Photo Challenge 52-#52 REVIVE
The last challenge of 2021. Who would have thought that I would actually complete the 52-week project? With Revive was ....
The last challenge of 2021. Who would have thought that I would actually complete the 52-week project? With Revive was ....
Wer denkt bei Score nicht direkt an Sport? Allerdings finde es schwer mich im Winter für Sport zu begeistern. Außer es hat…
All the gear but no Idea. Das Wort der Woche war Possess bzw besitzen und wie die letzten Wochen auch schon, war meine Kreativität gekoppelt an…
Meine Art das Wort “Clean” darzustellen bestand darin, früh morgens in den nebeligen Wald zu fahren, ein paar Meter durchs …
I`m Alex and take you with me on my Picture tours and adventures. I'll also show you how to create better images and how you could eat healthier .